Probate and Estate Administration
We pride ourselves in helping families navigate through the probate process efficiently with compassion and understanding.
We understand firsthand the legal, financial, and emotional challenges that arise from the loss of a loved one. We empathetically and effectively help our clients navigate through every stage of the estate administration process.
This process typically begins by securing Probate Court appointment of a Personal Representative (or co-Personal Representatives) who will be responsible for the administration of the estate.
The next phase of the probate process involves identifying assets and securing information, including appraisals where appropriate, to determine the value of the assets for estate administration purposes. State and federal estate tax returns and fiduciary income tax returns may be required, and we pride ourselves on having the appropriate experience and expertise to prepare these returns, file them on a timely basis, and defend them against challenge by Maine Revenue Services and the IRS. We also provide guidance respecting the sale of assets where appropriate, and the eventual distribution of the estate in accordance with the governing documents and pertinent law. We often utilize a team consisting of your primary lawyer and a paralegal who specializes in estate administration to most efficiently and cost effectively administer an estate.
probate and estate Administration